Northwestern Russia Regional Contest

Host university:St Petersburg ITMO University
Host university:St Petersburg State University
Participating regions:the city of federal importance Saint Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, the Archangel Region, the Novgorod Region, the Pskov Region, the Murmansk Region, the Republic of Karelia
Contest Dates:27 Oct, 24
Contest Dates:16 Nov, 24


Contest Director
Korneev Georgiy
Associate Professor, ITMO University
Chief Judge
Korotkevich Gennady
ITMO University
Vasilev Vladimir Nikolaevich
Rector, ITMO University
Contact Person
Tuktarova Guzel Removna
ITMO University


2024 Qualification

Qualification standings Таблица результатов квалификации
Qualification statements Qualification statements in English
Qualification statements Условия квалификации на русском языке
Qualification tutorial Разбор задач квалификации
Qualification problem archive Полный архив с задачами и тестами квалификации (72М)
Qualification runs Архив всех подходов квалификации
Contestant Handbook Contestant Handbook in English
Contestant Handbook Памятка участника на русском языке


Standings Contest Standings
NWRRC Statements Problem statements
NWRRC Tutorials Descriptions of solutions
NWRRC Runs All runs made during the contest
NWRRC Tests and Judges Solutions Polygon Package 42M
NWRRC Reactions Teams reactions videos
NWRRC Photos Photo gallery

2023 Qualification

Qualification standings Таблица результатов квалификации
Qualification statements Условия квалификации
Qualification tutorial Разбор квалификации
Qualification problem archive Полный архив с задачами и тестами квалификации (55М)
Qualification runs Архив всех подходов квалификации
Opening and Contest Announcements live video on Youtube
Opening and Contest Announcements live video on VK
Contestant Handbook Contestant Handbook


Standings Contest Standings
NWRRC Statements Problem statements
NWRRC Tutorials Descriptions of solutions
NWRRC Tests and Judges Solutions Polygon Package 130M
NWRRC Runs All runs made during the contest
Opening and Contest Announcements live video on Youtube
Opening and Contest Announcements live video on VK
Contestant Handbook Contestant Handbook

2022 Qualification

Opening and Contest Announcements live video Opening and Contest Announcements live video
Contestant Handbook Contestant Handbook
Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования
Qualification Standings Qualification Standings
Qualification Statements Problems from the Qualification in PDF format.
Qualification Tutorial Qualification Problems Analysis
Qualification Tests and Judges Solutions Full Polygon Package 60M


Standings Contest Standings
Opening and Contest Announcements live video Opening and Contest Announcements live video
Contestant Handbook Contestant Handbook
Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования
NWRRC Statements Problem statements
NWRRC Tutorials Descriptions of solutions
NWRRC Runs All runs made during the contest
NWRRC Tests and Judges Solutions Full Polygon Package 12M

2021 Qualification

Standings Contest Standings
Opening and Contest Announcements live video Opening and Contest Announcements live video
Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования
Qualification Standings Qualification Final Standings
Qualification Statements Problems from the Qualification in PDF format.
Qualification Tutorial Qualifier Problems Analysis
Qualification Tests and Judges Solutions Full Polygon Package 89M


Standings Contest Standings
Opening and Contest Announcements live video Opening and Contest Announcements live video
Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования Прямая трансляция открытия и объявлений во время соревнования
NWRRC Statements Problem statements
NWRRC Tutorials Descriptions of solutions
NWRRC Tests and Judges Solutions Full Polygon Package 92M
NWRRC Runs All runs made during the contest


Standings Contest Standings
NWRRC Tests and Judges Solutions Tests, generators and judges solutions
NWRRC Runs All runs made during the contest
NWRRC Statements Problem statements
NWRRC Tutorials Descriptions of solutions

2019 Qualification

Standings Contest Standings
Qualifier Standings Qualifier Final Standings
Qualifier Statements Problems from the qualifier in PDF format.
Qualifier Archive Qualifier jury archive - solutions, checkers, tests, etc.
Qualifier Tutorial Qualifier Problems Analysis
Qualifier Runs All runs made during the qualifier


Standings Contest Standings
NWRRC Tests and Judges Solutions Tests, generators and judges solutions
NWRRC Runs All runs made during the contest
NWRRC Statements Problem statements
NWRRC Tutorials Descriptions of solutions


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, tests, etc.
Analysis Problems Analysis
Runs All runs made during the contest


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and generators Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, etc.
Statements Statements sources.
Analysis Problems Analysis
Runs All runs made during the contest


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and generators Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, etc.
Statements Statements sources.
Analysis Problems Analysis
Runs All runs made during the contest


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and generators Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, etc.
Statements Statements sources.
Analysis Problems Analysis
Runs All runs made during the contest


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and generators Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, etc.
Statements Statements sources.
Analysis Problems Analysis
Runs All runs made during the contest


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and generators Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, etc.
Statements Statements sources.
Log All runs log in XML, allows to restore contest process.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and generators Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, etc.
Statements Statements sources.
Log All runs log in XML, allows to restore contest process.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and generators Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - solutions, checkers, etc.
Runs All runs made during the contest.
Statements Statements sources.
Log All runs log in XML, allows to restore contest process.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PostScript format.
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Generated tests Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - test generators, solutions, checkers, etc.
Runs All runs made during the contest.
Analysis Contest analysis (in Russian).
Analysis Contest analysis presentation (in Russian).


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PostScript format.
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Generated tests Official tests for all problems.
Archive Jury archive - test generators, solutions, checkers, etc.
Runs All runs made during the contest.
Analysis Contest analysis presentation.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PostScript format.
Generated tests Official tests for all problems.
Jury solutions Official jury solutions for all problems (some may be incorrect).
Archive Jury archive - test generators, solutions, checkers, etc.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and jury solutions Official tests and jury solutions for all problems.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PDF format.
Tests and jury solutions Official tests and jury solutions for all problems.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PostScript format.
Problem statements sources Problems from the contest - TeX sources.
Tests and jury solutions Sample tests for all problems. These tests are not official and cannot be used to duscuss contest results.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PostScript format.
Problem statements sources Problems from the contest - TeX sources.
Tests Sample tests for all problems, already generated. These tests are not official and cannot be used to duscuss contest results.
Tests sources Sample tests for all problems. Large tests are provided using special generating problems. These materials are not official and cannot be used to duscuss contest results.
Jury solutions Jury solutions for all problems. Solutions are not guaranteed to be correct. Most of them are intended to be correct, although some may be not efficient of wrong.


Standings Contest Standings
Problem statements Problems from the contest in PostScript format.
Archive Contest archive, contains sample tests, solutions and checkers for contest problems. These materials are not official and cannot be used to discuss contest results.